Future is today

Printing Vascular Tissue solves the problems of organ donors.

Printing of tissue solves the problems of organ donors.

House printing

House printing. 5-story building can be printed in 1 day

Company doob can print your replica

Company doob can print your replica for your grandparents, or you can try on clothes online, or you could be yourself in a video game, or …

NASA is building an all-electric test plane called X-57, nicknamed "Maxwell."

NASA is building an all-electric test plane called X-57, nicknamed “Maxwell.”

The zero-fuel airplane, Solar Impulse, has touched down in Spain, completing the 70-hour Atlantic leg of its historic bid to circle the globe.

The zero-fuel airplane, Solar Impulse, has touched down in Spain, completing the 70-hour Atlantic leg.

[youtube https://youtu.be/WEs7MRXU4qk&w=300&h=200]

Norway’s parliament has approved the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2030.

The Texas resident was blind for more than 40 years, but a rare eye transplant procedure has allowed him to see again with the help of his bionic eye.

The Texas resident was blind for more than 40 years, but a rare eye transplant procedure has allowed him to see again with the help of his bionic eye.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60fAjaRfwnU&w=300&h=200]

Computer is able to decode the thoughts of a paralyzed patient and convert them into electrical signals, bypassing the damaged nerves in his spine.

Within five to ten years fertility clinics might well have the ability to significantly increase the expected intelligence of their clients' children.

Fertility clinics soon will have the ability to increase the expected intelligence of their clients’ children. It might offset the decline of the world average I.Q.

With special mind-reading headgear, the new Chinese car can be made to move forward and backwards using nothing more than a few concentrated thoughts.

With special mind-reading headgear, the new Chinese car can be made to move using only thoughts.

Using machine learning, scientists have invented a mind-reading machine. It doesn’t work all that well, but...

Using machine learning, scientists have invented a mind-reading machine. It doesn’t work all that well, but…

Cheshire Cat smiles
Wise man said…

Those who have knowledge, don’t predict.
Those who predict, don’t have knowledge.
Lao Tzu, 6th Century BC Chinese Poet

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