Lost time is found

Lost time
Where did time go?

There is a feeling that we have lost time, that we do not have time for anything anymore. In my case, I thought, it was because of the reading too many emails and news on the Internet. I had cut off almost all of it and still struggled to keep up with what has to be done.

Then my daughter explained it to me. (I should be able to figure it myself. Oh, well.)

It turned out that the life conveniences and technologies brought our expectation of the productivity much higher than before. So, the time is not lost. It is just not enough for meeting all my (unwarranted?) expectations.

Cheshire Cat smiles

Just to remind you…

Gossiper is the person who talks mostly about others.
Bore is the person who talks mostly about himself.
Brilliant conversationalist is the one who talks only about you.

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